Rankin Productions presents the beloved and prolific singer-songwriter, Steve Poltz, live at the Octave Theatre. A Steve Poltz show has to be experienced! Music, laughter (lots), tears and magic rolled into one manic ride.
Advance tickets are $30 each and are available for purchase online from Ticketscene here. Advance tickets can also be purchased by e-transfer to alrankin@xplornet.ca for $30 each. You will receive an email confirmation and will pick your tickets up at the door. No security question required. No service fee.
Steve Poltz is that joyful light in the dark that we desperately need these days. On stage, Steve Poltz is part busker, part Iggy Pop and part Robin Williams, a freewheeling folkie with a quick wit and huge heart.
About Steve Poltz
He may be the most entertaining musician on the planet and his live concerts are the stuff of legend. A Steve Poltz show is a manic ride from beginning to end, full of unbridled (and often unhinged) enthusiasm, laughter, tears and magic. Born in Halifax, raised in California and now living in Nashville, this remarkable troubadour now tours the world, gaining a fanatical cult following wherever he plays. Read more...
Kingston Frontenac Lennox and Addington Public Health Unit's COVID protocols will be adhered to at the time of the concert.
For physical events that happen at a specific time. For example a concert, or dance performance. If there are multiple shows, you can still duplicate your event to cover them all.