Event Info
Why did the Ocean Roar: Sol Reeve
Why did the Ocean Roar? is a diorama of sea creatures made of repurposed plastic...
Event Description
Why did the Ocean Roar? is a diorama of sea creatures made of repurposed plastic consumer items. The original objects were found in various sections of thrift stores including toys, kitchenware, and party supplies. A good sub title for this exhibition might be “you can’t make this up” because most of the original objects are barely functional for their intended purpose, and in some instances their function is completely inexplicable. When I turned them into art I wanted to show both their alluring beauty and their perversity.
Soledad (Sol) Reeve graduated from UVic with a Bachelors of Fine Art, Visual Art, in 2007. Sol is a public servant who develops green procurement policy to reduce the environmental impacts of the goods and services that governments buy. She explores the same themes of climate change and plastic waste in her art practice, and shares her work in occasional exhibitions. Sol exhibited at Ministry of Casual Living’s Haultain Street gallery in 2003.
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odeon alley Victoria BC
Closed / Inactive