Hard-copy tickets
Physical tickets at: 604-985-0408, nvartscouncil@telus.net, office@st-andrews-united.ca, 604-988-6844
Event Description
A fabulous singer and story-teller, tenor Ken Lavigne shares the amazing account of how, against all odds, he found a way to live out his dream of singing at Carnegie Hall. With spectacular songs, entertaining and hilarious stories, Ken embodies the spirit of the underdog: audacity, tenacity, tragedy and ultimately triumph.
A wonderful evening of entertainment and a moving follow-up to our Olympic experience. www.kenlavigne.com.
Tickets $25 from St. Andrew's United Church, 985-0408, office@st-andrews-united.ca or N.Van Community Arts Council, 988-6844, nvartscouncil@telus.net.